respite care for short stays

Not all foster care providers are the same. Within Centacare’s program you will work as part of a care team, to ensure that children can enjoy safe, secure homes and that carers are supported to prepare them for both the challenges of fostering and reunification.

By working in partnership with the Department for Child Protection and birth families we aim to provide stable family environments for children in out-of-home foster care.

We Believe

    • All children have a right to a family environment where they feel valued and are allowed to develop.
    • Foster carers, social workers and other professionals should work together for the benefit of the child and their family.
    • Foster carers should recognise and meet a child’s needs in all areas including race, religion, culture and general levels of care.
    • At Centacare we strive to make sure that children moving on from foster placements take with them not only mementos, but also great memories of their positive experience whilst in the care of our foster carers.